Our Mission

We passionately believe that all children have the ability to excel at Mathematics, regardless of their apparent aptitude, social and cultural backgrounds. So we fervently want to help our students realise and apply their abilities to do well in this subject.

While traditional schooling is no doubt of immense importance to the social and academic education of children, we feel that the latter suffers greatly from the limited contact time, varying levels of teaching quality and other distractions at school. This sadly and inevitably means that many children do not develop the knowledge, confidence, enthusiasm and enjoyment needed to do well in the subject. It is our profound belief that our private tuition and tutoring will bridge the gaps in our students’ understanding and knowledge, which will greatly improve their exam performance, and in the longer term their future academic and professional prospects. So we use the experience and expertise of our tutors, along with the online tools and technology available to us all, to encourage learning in a flexible, direct and personalised format to achieve this.

We are deeply committed to helping students unlock the confidence they need to apply their creativity and acquired knowledge to fully understanding the Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4 (GCSE) and A-level curricula - with our primary goal being to help them achieve the best possible grades in their GCSE and A-Level exams, and in so doing transform them into to more confident, creative people.

We want their experience with PureMaths to help them move forward into their future academic and professional lives as happier, skilled problem solvers, with greater belief in their abilities and potential.

Our Approach

Clear Communication

It may sound obvious, but effective communication with students is essential. Clearly communicating with students, and thereby genuinely connecting and engaging with them, is a cornerstone of our teaching approach. We feel private tuition has many advantages over traditional schooling in this regard due to much higher direct student/Tutor contact time.


Without real collaboration, we would not be able to cultivate the respectful and relaxed working relationships needed to get through to our students, so they can feel confident enough to make mistakes, ask questions and share their concerns. This is essential to their learning process as it encourages them to generate original ideas to solve problems, which can then be correctly distilled by Mathematical rules.

Content Quality and Transparency

All the content we teach is based directly on the Department of Education syllabus and assessment guidelines. We use the associated teaching material (subject matter and exam content) published by the Edexcel, AQA and OCR exam qualification boards.

Everything we teach is available to parents through our lesson plans and solutions books, so there is complete transparency on our taught content.

Some notable Mathematicians …

Carl F. Gauss - German Mathematician and Physicist (known for making great contributions to algebra and astronomy).More about this person

Carl F. Gauss - German Mathematician and Physicist (known for making great contributions to algebra and astronomy).

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Emmy Noether - German Mathematician (known for the making very important contributions to abstract algebra and is considered one of the most influential women in the history of mathematics).More about this person

Emmy Noether - German Mathematician (known for the making very important contributions to abstract algebra and is considered one of the most influential women in the history of mathematics).

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Rene Descartes - French Mathematician and Philosopher (known for his important contributions to algebra and geometry).More about this person

Rene Descartes - French Mathematician and Philosopher (known for his important contributions to algebra and geometry).

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