Privacy Policy

1.Definition of Personal Information 

"Personal information" is any information that we can use to identify our clients. This is data that allows you to be identified as a particular person, such as your name, phone number, or your address. It does not include personal information that is encoded or anonymized, or publicly available information that has not been combined with non-public information.

2. Personal Information that we collect

Registration : We do not require you to register with PureMaths to use our services or purchase our products. We do recommend that you provide register your details (name, email and phone number) when you making tuition bookings and purchase products for easier rebooking of our services. These details, are stored safely on our databases.

We do also request certain student information when enquiries or tuition bookings are made for the first time, to help us initially assess the prospective student. This information includes:

  • Subjects and level you wish to be taught

  • General information about what you are seeking help in

  • Current school exam board and target grades

This information is also treated in the same way and stored safely on our database.

3. Right to Access / Deletion

We acknowledge that our clients have the right to access the personal information/data that we maintain about them. Our client have the right to seek access, or to correct, amend, or delete inaccurate data. Any of our clients can request these changes by contacting us through our contact form.

Unless we have another legal basis for storing your personal data, we will delete or de-identify the personal data we have stored about you within 30 days of when you withdraw your consent.

4. External Sites

Some of the pages on our website we may link to external websites, that is, websites that are not part of PureMaths and are third-party websites. We are not responsible for the content of these external internet sites. We are careful who we link to, but since the sites are out of our control they could contain unsuitable content and may have privacy policies which differ from our own. Please review their policies if you are concerned.

5. Email Addresses

Any Email address our clients supply when signing up are not sold to 3rd parties for marketing purposes. This includes any personal information we may obtain from emails we receive through our contact form.

6. How your data is shared

PureMaths only use 3rd party solutions if it's necessary for our organisation to safely provide and administer our products and services, so as a result, work with a small number of select, reputable companies.

Currently we work with the following companies:

  • Stripe / (California, USA) - Handles our online payment processing platform and e-commerce for our products and services

  • Squarespace / (New York, USA) - Provides our website infrastructure, scheduling and traffic analytics

  • Google / Google LLC (USA) - Handles our electronic communications with clients

  • Skype / Microsoft Corporation (Washington, USA) - Provides our AV platform for online tuition services

  • Zoom / (San Jose, USA) - Provides our AV platform for online tuition services

We may share client's information with these companies to maintain our services.

We use above reference 3rd party payment provider to process payments for our service. We do not store our clients' financial information by default, only if our users opt in will we securely retain it for future purchases. We use Stripe for our card payment processing, whose use of your personal information is governed by their privacy policy.

7. Contacting Tutor Hunt

If you have any concerns about our privacy policy, or have comments or questions regarding it, please contact us and we'll be happy to answer any questions you have. If we update our policy we will update this page accordingly.
