
Who we are

Who we are …

Our Founder and Leadership have highly technical, engineering and management backgrounds and come from the Oil & Gas, Energy and Marine industries. After many years of guiding, leading and mentoring colleagues to help them successfully navigate through difficult technical and commercial challenges, they realised what they enjoyed most was helping people improve how they solved problems. They found this almost always led to better performance from their colleagues and to the success of their teams. Most importantly it built within their colleagues an increased sense of confidence, pride, satisfaction and enjoyment, which subsequently motivated them to try to perform even better.

As a result our leadership became increasingly interested in understanding how they could directly help young people become better creative, analytical, methodical problem solvers, and in so doing help them reap the same benefits they had seen in industry. This is especially important given that we live in an age when education and industry are more dynamic and undergoing more rapid changes than at any other time in human history.

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Why We started …

Given our keen interest and passion for mathematics, and because of the very high influence this subject has on the development of good, creative problem solvers, it was logical for us to direct and focus our efforts to teach young people.

As we all know Mathematics has a reputation for being difficult due to it’s seemingly abstract concepts, rules and for having many inter-connected subject areas that need to be learned. When you then factor in that it is traditionally taught without enough context or clarity given to its real world relevance and applications, and with bias towards certain students, it tends to add to the negativity around the subject. We know this from our own experiences at school and from feedback by student’s we have tutored.

This usually results in students approaching Maths with a sense of pessimism, a lack of confidence and plain dread, even before they have attempted their very first algebra question. We want to correct this misconception and help young people genuinely understand and enjoy this subject.

We passionately enjoy Maths and revere the incredibly positive impact it has had on the world - which you can probably tell from all the pictures of Mathematicians and their stories on the site. We are driven by the need to help students hopefully appreciate and enjoy it in the same way, and in the process improve their academic knowledge and performance. We know from experience this encourages better intellectual assuredness, bringing about positive impacts to other subjects and other aspects of their lives. This in turn builds confidence in their abilities, which we’re sure you’ll agree, is very important for young people.

We specifically chose KS 3, GCSE and A-Level Mathematics as the focus of our attentions due the importance of the subject areas in these curricula. A comprehensive understanding of the content taught at these stages is of crucial and decisive importance to building a firm foundation in the subject, improve analytical thinking and creative problem solving.

We profoundly believe that improving the levels of enthusiasm, interest and proficiency that young people have for Mathematics will inevitably make them much better problem solvers and hold them in good stead to succeed in whatever future challenges come their way.
