Terms and Conditions


Terms and Conditions

(updated on 20 June 2020)


In these Terms and Conditions, the following words and expressions are defined as follows:

  • “PureMaths”, “Tutor”, “we”, “our” or “us” means PureMaths Tuition, which is part of K. Strasser Contracting Ltd., and includes its directors, staff, employees and affiliates as applicable.

  • “Tuition Lesson”, “Services” or “Booking” means online tuition lessons delivered by Audio/Video software (such as Skype, Zoom or Microsoft Teams) using the PureMaths Website scheduling facility

  • “Tutee” or “your” means the person using our website with the intention of benefiting from the products and services we offer - or their parent or legal guardian as applicable.

  • "Tuition Fee" is the hourly fee we charge as detailed in our scheduling facility.

  • “Scheduling Facility” means the tuition lesson scheduling calendar accessible from the Tuition booking, Products & Offers page on our website (https://www.puremathstuition.co.uk/tuition-booking).

Section 1

a. Please read our (PureMaths Tuition) Terms and Conditions (referred to as ‘T&Cs’ from here on) before you purchase or use any of our products and/or services.

b. By using or purchasing any of our products or services, you are accepting these T&Cs and are consenting to them being a legally binding agreement between us. You are also agreeing to be bound by these T&Cs and that UK law will apply to all applicable clauses.

c. By using or purchasing our products or services, you confirm that you are over 18 years of age and are the parent or legal guardian of the tutee for whom the product or service is intended. If you are under 18 years of age you must have the consent of your parent or legal guardian prior to purchasing any of our products or services we provide.

d. If we decide to change these T&Cs, any changes will become effective immediately. We will take reasonable steps to inform of any changes, either by a notice on our website or by sending you an email. If you continue to using or purchasing our products and services after a change, this will mean you accept the new T&Cs.

e. Provision of our services begins when the tutee has accepted the email invitation for the tuition lesson and made the booking to reflect same on our scheduling facility. Our services also begin when one of our tuition lesson products (block bookings on offer at anytime) have been ordered directly.

Section 2 - Our Obligations

a. Our Tutors have the required qualifications and/or tutoring experience to provide the services described on our website.

b. Our Tutors have the required qualifications and/or experience to provide the products described on our website.

c. Our Tutors have the legal right to work in the United Kingdom.

d. Our Tutors have no criminal convictions and have been subject to Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks.

Section 3 - Payment Terms & Cancellations

a. Our Tuition lessons are charged on an hourly basis and our latest rates are published on our scheduling facility. Payments for bookings are to be made using the credit or debit card payment facility (on our scheduling facility) prior to start of any tuition lessons.

b. Our products are priced as shown in the Products page of our website (https://www.puremathstuition.co.uk/products).

c. Tuition Lessons, once booked on our scheduling facility, will not receive a refund if changed or cancelled less than 24 hrs before lesson start time.

d. No refunds are available on any of our e-book products. This is subject to any offers that we have in place at the time. Applicable offers are listed on the Tuition booking, Products & Offers on our website.

e. No refunds are available on any of our tuition offer packages - listed on our Tuition booking and Offers page - except where applicable under the 100% money back guarantee terms. In the event we agree (at our discretion) that a part refund can be made, this will be calculated based on the number of lessons already used under the applicable purchased package, at the normal hourly rate (not the discounted rate).

f. Our 100% money back guarantee (if a Tutee does not achieve better grades), is conditional to the Tutee and/or their parent or legal guardian, reasonably accepting the minimum number of lessons recommended by PureMaths at the beginning of the Tutee’s course of study with us, that are required to improve Tutee’s grade. Improved grade will be those achieved in tutee’s first exam, or mock exam, after starting tuition with us, and not subsequent exams. Student’s first exam or mock exam must take place after a minimum of 20 hrs of paid lessons with us, in order to qualify for the 100% money back guarantee.

Improvement on grades will be checked against information provided by the Tutee, and/or their parent or legal guardian, on the PureMaths intake form completed at the time of booking introductory lessons or first paid lesson (whichever is first). PureMaths reserves the right to request additional evidence to verify information about grades provided in the intake form. If no information about students grades is provided on the intake form (prior to start of tuition with us), or not provided by email prior to first lesson with us, or is not applicable for a particular type of study, the 100% money back guarantee will not apply.

In all cases, the 100% money back guarantee will not apply beyond 16 calendar weeks from date of the first paid lesson with us.

If payment by instalments is accepted by PureMaths, and payment of the instalments are not made on the agreed dates, PureMaths reserves the right to suspend or cancel the remaining lessons on the applicable lesson package.

g. Prices for all our products and services are in GBP (British Pounds Sterling).

h. No refunds are available on any of our group lesson bookings. Amendments to lesson dates is not possible - but may be considered by us at our sole discretion. This is due to the fixed program of topics offered over consecutive weeks, which means that each group lesson will be have predetermined topic(s) that will be taught, and so is not flexible. If a student has to miss a lesson due to unavoidable reasons, we will provide the student with the material covered (notes, questions and solutions) in the missed lesson.

Section 4 - Electronic Communication

a. When you visit our website and send e-mails to us, you are communicating with us electronically. You consent to receive communications from us electronically, which will allow us to communicate with you via e-mail.

b. You agree to us communicating with you by other means, such as phone messaging (SMS and/or VOIP services such as Whatsapp messenger).

c. You agree to our applicable child safeguarding policies as stated in the Ethics and Child Safety page on our website (https://www.puremathstuition.co.uk/ethics-and-child-safety).

d. You agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures and other communications that we provide to you electronically, satisfy any and all legal requirement that such communications be in writing.

Section 5 - Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct is a legally binding agreement between you and us, and governs your conduct and use of our Services and the website. By using our website, you are agreeing to be legally bound by this Code of Conduct. If you breach this Code of Conduct, we may at our sole discretion withdraw our services to you. You will not be entitled to a refund of any fees paid in this event.

You agree that you will:

  • Not let anyone else use have access to our services or products, excepts through referrals;

  • Not copy or share our e-book products with anyone.

  • Not make any racist, sexist, profane or otherwise hurtful statements during online lessons, via electronic or text message for any reason whatsoever.

If, at our sole discretion, we believe that you have breached the Code of Conduct, we may withdraw our services to you, without any refund or compensation to you.

Section 6 - Limitation of our Liability

a. Our website and any information, content, products or services made available on or through the website are provided ‘as is’ and ‘as available’ without warranty of any kind, including without limitation any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement, except insofar as any such implied warranties may not be disclaimed under applicable law.

b. We do not warrant that our website will operate in an uninterrupted or error-free manner, that the website is free of viruses or other harmful components, or the content provided will meet all your needs or expectations. We also make no warranty about the about the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or quality of the website or any content, or that any particular content, products or services will continue to be made available.

c. Use of our website, and the content, services and products obtained from or through the website, is at your own risk. Your access to or download of information, materials, or data through the website or any reference sites is at your own discretion and risk, and you will be solely responsible for any damage to your property (including your computer system) or loss of data that results from download or use of such material or data.

Section 7 - Intellectual Property

a. All content included on our website, including but not limited to, text, graphics, logos, button icons, audio clips, digital downloads, data compilations, and software, is our property or the property of our content suppliers and is protected in terms of intellectual property laws of the United Kingdom (including trade mark and copyright law) as well as international copyright laws. Exceptions are listed below.

b. All software used on the Site is our property or that of our software suppliers and is protected by copyright law. The trademarks, names, logos and service marks (collectively "Trademarks") displayed on the Site registered and unregistered Trademarks belong to us. Nothing contained on our website, except as expressly stated in the T&Cs, shall be construed by you as the granting of any license or right to use any Trademark without our prior written permission. All rights in and to the content and Trademarks are reserved and retained by us and/or our content suppliers. You further acknowledge that we and/or our content suppliers are the proprietors of all the content and Trademarks on the website, whether it constitutes confidential information or not, and that you hold no right, title or interest in any such material.

c. All images obtained from the web, that have been used on our website, have been checked as far as reasonably possible to ensure the copyright term has expired, in accordance with the United Kingdom Intellectual Property Office Copyright Notice 1/2014 (digital images, photographs and the internet). Or do not have copyrights associated with them.

d. All mathematics questions have been produced with guidance from publications produced or endorsed by the relevant examination boards, Edexcel, OCR or AQA but the worked out solutions have been produced by PureMaths and they are our intellectual property.

e. All other content on our website is our exclusive property and is protected by copyright law.
