
Tuition Booking & Offers

Book Online Tuition

Please use the button below to book your first lesson today. Alternatively please see our Contact page or email us at contact-us@puremathstuition.co.uk.

We are offering all new students their first 2 hours of 1-to-1 lessons completely free. This will allow you to assess our capabilities and proceed with more lessons only if you’re happy with our performance.

Our Offers

Please use the button below to book our tuition product packages that are currently on offer.

Details of our currently available offers are also described in more detail below.


Current Offers

  • March OFFER - 10% Off the Hourly Rate for all lessons from 1st to 31st March 2021.

  • If you book your first 10 (1 hour per lesson) paid lessons in advance, we will give you a 15% discount on these (for KS2, KS3 and KS4).

  • If you book your first 20 (1 hour per lesson) paid lessons in advance, we will give you a 20% discount on these (for KS2, KS3 and KS4)

  • If you refer our tuition service or products (for 1-to-1 lessons) to another student and it results in a paid lesson booking and/or purchase of our products by them, we will give you 15% off your next 5hrs of lessons.*

  • If you are unhappy with our service for any reason, we guarantee a 100% refund on the total amount you’ve paid**.

    *This discount can only be applied once (and is not applicable for multiple referrals).

    **This offer is valid for one calendar month from the date of your first paid lesson.

Some notable Mathematicians …

James C. Maxwell - Scottish Mathematician (formulated the Theory of Electromagnetism and founder of modern electrical engineering)More info about this person

James C. Maxwell - Scottish Mathematician (formulated the Theory of Electromagnetism and founder of modern electrical engineering)

More info about this person

Maryam Mirzakhani - Iranian Mathematician (first woman to win the Fields Medal - known as the Nobel Prize for Mathematics)More info about this person

Maryam Mirzakhani - Iranian Mathematician (first woman to win the Fields Medal - known as the Nobel Prize for Mathematics)

More info about this person

Ada Lovelace - English Mathematician (the first computer programmer)More info about this person

Ada Lovelace - English Mathematician (the first computer programmer)

More info about this person
