
Mr. Anis-ur Rehman Bajwa (Parent of GCSE Student)

From the beginning it was very clear my son received the best support possible, through Mr. Chandra’s (Head of Tuition at PureMaths) insightful knowledge and wisdom, to perform at his best for his GCSE and then A level Maths course, over a two-year period.

I was very thrilled when my son managed to achieve a grade A, and able to receive the grades he
needed to go forward into higher education to study Finance at Newcastle University.
Mr. Chandra is not just knowledgeable at what he does, he is a highly competent tutor who
encourages students to employ a strong work ethic and motivates his students to perform at the
highest standards possible.

Furthermore, he has been a great role model and a mentor to my son, having guided him in a
disciplined manner, and am very grateful to him for it. A fine gentleman and a pleasure to keep in
contact with.

Mr. A.R. Bajwa

Kevin Seneviratne